Press Release Summary = Golf training aids manufacturer and distributor Perfectstroke has recently added a number of golf training aids to its list of golf improvement products.
Press Release Body = After a successful presence at the Australasian PGA Merchandise Show in Sydney Perfectstroke can now offer a number of teaching and training aids used by golf's greats. The Swing Setter by David Leadbetter helps to improve the four fundamentals necessary for successful golf. The Swing Setter develops your grip, swing plane, release and tempo. The Swing Setter is a golf swing training aid developed by the world's number 1 coach David Leadbetter.The Ernie Els Training System is used by many professional PGA players and instructors, as well as amateur golf players. The system includes Rockroller, Tempotimer, Stimpdimple and Instructional DVD. The patent-pending Rockroller maintains this triangular-unit between the shoulders, arms and putter grip. This forces the golfer to duplicate the actions which are used by the best golfers in the world.The Tempotimer improves 3 swing absolutes: the swing plane, swing tempo and swing timing, regardless of your skill level. The Tempotimer will take your swing to a more advanced level faster than any other device ever made. You'll discover the perfect swing plane, tempo and timing, as well as the power of a motion controlled by centrifugal force. Perfectstroke has also secured a new patented laser putting training aid which has two lasers inserted into the face of the putter. The Birdie 007 Laser Putter has lasers which are are actually angled inwards slightly so that they converge at around 4 metres.This makes it very easy to be able to check alignment of the putter face as well as monitor what is happening during the stroke. It is currently being used a s a diagnostic tool by a number of golf teaching professionals as well as a great training aid for all players. The Mark O'Meara Perfect Grip is also now available from Perfectstroke.It is a formed grip that is available in a number of different sizes and it fits over the grip of a normal club to indicate correct positioning of the club in the hands. This aid can be used for practicing your grip while doing practice swings or hitting balls on the range. Managing Director of Perfectstroke believes that they are now able to deliver the best training aids available for golf. "We use all of the products available on the Perfectstroke website on a daily basis in our golf instruction schools as well as one on one lessons.This in depth knowledge and testing over many years means that we can use these training aids with our students to help demonstrate and give feels and explanations for how to do certain aspects of the swing or short game. This means that people can learn much quicker and ingrain in their own swings what the instructors are trying to get them to do.With all of these products available online it is not necessary for people to visit us to get the benefits They can practice at home whether they live in Asia, Australia, North America Europe or wherever." Any further enquiries you can check out the website I
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Contact Details = PO Box 1451 Broadbeach Qld 4218 Qld Australia